Evalart User Guide
Evalart User Guide
Although it is recommended that you read all the documentation in order to take full advantage of all the features of Evalart, this introduction will allow you to start using Evalart in just a few minutes.
When you want to start a selection process, the first step is to create the “Process” in the system. Once it is created, select the “Questionnaires” to be used in the created process. The Questionnaires are the tests, evaluations, etc. which can be used to evaluate the candidates.
Next the “People” (Candidates) who will receive the questionnaires are added to the process. Once the questionnaires and people have been added to the process, you can to automatically send an email to the candidates, in which they are invited to participate in the process and are given, the links to the questionnaires that must be answered.
Finally, once the questionnaires have been answered by the candidates, the results reports are visible.
To see the questionnaires available in Evalart go to the menu “Questionnaires” and select “List of Questionnaires”. On the right hand side you will find a list of all of the available tests, organized in folders according to the type of test. You can browse each folder to see the tests that are included or you can filter the results to only see the questionnaires that interest you. For example, search for the “Programming” family to see questionnaires related to programming. Clicking on the test will display all the basic information on the left hand side: details about the test, the questions that it includes, the areas it evaluates, etc. You can click on the icon corresponding to the questionnaire builder to see all the information about the questionnaire (and also to modify the questionnaire if you have the rights to do so). Finally, if you want to see the questionnaire just as the candidate would see it, click on the eye icon to view the preview. The preview can be answered just as a candidate would and if you want to see the corresponding report at the end of the questionnaire you can click on “Finish but keep instance” at the end. The report will be visible in the list of reports.
If you want use a test from the catalog for your selection process, you can click the “Use Test” button. This allows you to quickly create a new selection process that will include the selected test. Alternatively, you can create new processes from the process menu and add the tests there.
Once inside the Evalart administration module, you can create a process by going to the “Processes” menu and selecting “New Process”. Enter a name for the process, such as “Junior Developer Alpha Project”, and a description. Click “Save” to create the process.
Once the selection process is created, you will be redirected to the selection process configuration view. The view has two sections: “Tests” and “Candidates”. In the “Tests” section, you can add the tests that you want to use to evaluate your candidates to the process.
In the “Candidates” section you can add candidates to the process. You can add candidates that you already have in your Evalart database or add new ones, either individually or by importing them from a file. To add candidates that you already have in your Evalart database, click on the “Choose Candidates” button. To add a new person, click on the “+” button. Enter the candidate’s information and the email address where the questionnaires will be sent.
To view or edit the email message, click on the envelope icon. You can customize the text as desired or use the templates directly using the “Replace with” option.
After all this, click “Save”. Clicking on “Preview” will show you an example of the mail the candidates will receive.
Finally, click “Send” to send the emails to the candidates.
As the candidates respond to the questionnaires, you can see the results reports. To see the particular reports of a process, go to the “Processes” menu and select “List of Processes”. Here you can choose the selection process results that you want to view. You will see a list of all the Questionnaire Instances (the questionnaires created for each person) and their statuses. In this list you can see the instances created, those that are in progress (initiated by a candidate), or those that are completed (already answered). In order to view a detailed report, click on the candidate´s score (or N/A if it does not have a score).
Click “Evaluation List” in order to see a list of all the tests in process. Click “Ranking” to see the ranking of the candidates.
The results reports indicate the score, as well as additional information about the questionnaire answered, which will allow you to decide which candidates should continue in the process. The information shown in each report varies depending on the type of questionnaire used. You can access the reports from the questionnaire, process, or person lists (either by clicking on the folder icon or from the reports menu).
In the main administration module view (click Start) the most recently answered tests will appear at the top, so you can directly access the detailed results report from here. In the main view, in the middle, the active selection processes are also shown. From there you can access the process reports by clicking “Results”.
“Questionnaire” is the generic term used in Evalart to refer to a test or evaluation. Whether it is a psychometric test, an intelligence test, a programming test, or a knowledge evaluation, Evalart refers to any of these as “Questionnaire”.
A questionnaire consists of a set of questions that can be grouped into sections. The questions usually have an associated score which allows you to score the questionnaires. The meaning of a particular score can be defined by a set of scoring ranges. For example, a questionnaire that measures knowledge of business architecture could have 10 questions, each worth 2 points, producing a maximum score of 20 points. The set of ranges could indicate that a person who scores between 15 and 20 points has a deep knowledge of business architecture, while someone who scores between 10 and 15 points has average knowledge.
The questions can also be associated with a category (as well as the answer choices to a question). The categories allow you to identify different areas to be evaluated. For the previous example, one category could include questions related to “Business Architecture” and another “Applications and Data Architecture”, in order to identify independent scores by category to identify the level of knowledge or ability of a person in each of these areas. It is also possible to associate score ranges to the categories of a questionnaire, which is similar to the ranges that apply to the total score of the questionnaire.
Both the questionnaires and the questions are grouped into Families and Subfamilies. This has no effect on the evaluation, but does facilitates the organization of questionnaires and questions. For example, if you want to search for questionnaires related to intelligence you can search for that Family, and within this, a specific area, such as “Logical Reasoning”.
Evalart has a large library of questionnaires and questions. They can be used directly or modified according to the need. It is also possible for the user to create his own questions or questionnaires.
All the options related to the questionnaires can be found in the main menu, under the option “Questionnaires”.
To see all the questionnaires available, click on “List Questionnaires” in the Questionnaires menu. The list shows all the questionnaires that the user has access to, including your account’s questionnaires, as well as the official Evalart questionnaires. Depending on the privileges that the user has for each questionnaire, they may have the option to edit the questionnaire or in not, to just view it.
As with any list in Evalart, there are filters and search options that allow you to reduce the number of results produced. For example, you can view only the “Programming” Family questionnaires. The results can also be sorted by any column. Simply click on the column that you want to order. One click will orders the column ascendingly, a second click will order it descendingly.
In the “Actions” column various icons are shown, along with the operations that the user can perform. They are listed below:
: Allows you to view the Questionnaire Instances of the Questionnaire. A questionnaire instance is a questionnaire assigned or answered by a particular person. You can imagine it as the test a teacher gives to his students. The Questionnaire would be the exam with all the questions which the teacher then prints and gives a copy to each student on the day of the exam. The instance of the questionnaire would be the exam that the teacher gives to each student, which contains (or will contain) the name and the answers of the particular student who received the exam. When listing the questionnaire instances, all the questionnaires assigned or answered by people will be displayed, allowing you to see the name of the person, their score, among other data.
: The magnifying glass allows you to see the details of the questionnaire, but without being able to edit it.
: The pencil allows you to edit the questionnaire (it only appears in registers that the user can edit). This option opens the header data editing view of the questionnaire. If you want to edit details such as the questions that compose the questionnaire, you must go to the questionnaire builder.
: The “X” allows you to delete the questionnaire. The deletion of the questionnaire may vary depending on whether the questionnaire already has instances and what their statuses are.
: This option directs you to the questionnaire builder. From here you can view (and edit if you have access) all the characteristics of the questionnaire, including the questions, sections, and score ranges that compose it.
: This option shows the versions of the same questionnaire. The versions allow you to edit questionnaires that are already in use or create minor variations without affecting the instances that have already been created.
: The eye icon directs you to the preview of the questionnaire. This preview allows you to run the questionnaire and see it just as a candidate would. This view is very useful in order to verify that the questionnaire works and looks as expected.
When viewing or editing a questionnaire from the list of questionnaires a series of fields or attributes are listed. Each of these is detailed below:
Consistency Control: When viewing a questionnaire both in the editing view and in the questionnaire builder, an indicator of any consistency problems may appear on the questionnaire in the upper part (This only appears if there are inconsistencies, otherwise it is not shown). The indicator can be yellow representing minor inconsistencies, which means that the questionnaire can be used, but it could have some unwanted characteristics (such as not having a set of scoring ranges to evaluate the questionnaire). If the indicator is red it means that the questionnaire has serious inconstancy and can not be used (such as not having questions). Clicking on this indicator will list the detected inconsistencies. There are two types:
- Warning: This corresponds to minor inconsistencies that do not prevent the questionnaire from being used. The consistency indicator will be yellow if it only has this tipe of inconsistency.
- Inconsistency: These are severe inconsistencies that prevent the questionnaire from being used. If there is this type of inconsistency, the consistency indicator will turn red.
ID: This is the identification code of the questionnaire. All entities in Evalart have a unique numeric code called “ID”. For questionnaires, this identifier corresponds to the ID of the master questionnaire (For more information see “Versions of Questionnaires”)
Name: This is the name of the questionnaire. This is the information shown in the listings or anywhere where questionnaires are listed.
Description: This is the description of the questionnaire.
Level: Corresponds to the level of difficulty of the questionnaire. There can be 3 values (Easy, Medium and Difficult) or “N / A” if does not apply to this questionnaire. For example, a questionnaire that measures programming knowledge could be “Easy” to evaluate beginners, , while a “Difficult questionnaire could be used to evaluate programmers with more experience or for more complex work. A personality test, however, would probably show “N / A” since the term “level of difficulty” does not apply in this type of questionnaire.
Status: Status of the questionnaire (If it is active or has been deleted).
Time Limit: The time limit assigned to the questionnaire, expressed in minutes. If the questionnaire does not have a time limit, the value for this field is zero. The time begins to run as soon as the candidate starts the questionnaire. The time does not stop even if the browser is closed during the execution of the questionnaire.
Limit of Days: The limit of days is similar to the time limit but measured in days.
Type of Record: The type of record indicates the requirements that must be met for a person to answer the questionnaire. For the version corresponding to this guide, only one type of “xxxx” record is enabled, which requires that the people who are going to answer the questionnaire have received an invitation by mail generated from the process module.
Show Final Score: Indicates if the person answering the questionnaire will be able to see their results after the questionnaire is finished.
Language: The language of the questionnaire. The buttons and other predefined texts of the questionnaire will be displayed in the selected language. If you edit the questionnaire in the editor, all questions and any other contents will, by default, be displayed in this language.
Score Ranges: The score range table which will be used to score the questionnaire. The same table can be associated with several questionnaires.
Type: A general classification of the type of questionnaire.
Family and subfamily: Questionnaires can be classified within a family and a subfamily (for example, programming family and Java subfamily). In the questionnaire builder, the questions that correspond to the family and subfamily will be shown by default as available to add to the questionnaire.
Results Report: Indicates the report format to be used to see the results of the questionnaires answered.
Negative to zero in total score: Convert the total score of the questionnaire to zero if it is negative. The total score can be negative if, for example, there are alternative questions with negative values.
Negative to zero in category score: This works the same as in the previous option, but is for the category scores.
Increase Total Score: Value that is added to the total score in all cases. This is usually used to move score ranges so that they do not start as negative or zero.
Increment Rating Categories: Value that is added to the score of the categories in all cases. This is usually used to move score ranges so that they do not start as negative or zero. Score format: Define how the total score is shown in the reports and list. You can use the following markers: <>, <> and <>. The score will take the value of the score, maxscore the maximum possible score for the questionnaire and resultname the name corresponding to the score range associated with the score. For example <> of <> would show something like “12 of 20” for a questionnaire that obtained a score of 12 out of a maximum of 20. In order to modify any attribute of the questionnaire you must go to the editor, either from the List of Questionnaires or from the Questionnaire Builder.
The questionnaire builder is a tool that allows you to build or modify a questionnaire (if you have the rights to edit a particular questionnaire), as well as see all your information and related items in one place. The questionnaire builder can be accessed from the main menu by clicking Questionnaires, then Questionnaire Builder or from the list of questionnaires. If you enter from the menu, the questionnaire builder will be empty and you will have to click on the folder icon at the top to load a particular questionnaire. If you want to create a new questionnaire, you must first go to the “New Questionnaire” option in the “Questionnaire” menu in the main menu. Once created, you can move on to the builder to add the questions, sections, and other configurations of the questionnaire.
The name of the questionnaire is shown in the upper part of the Questionnaire Builder, along with its version (which is an internal identifier of the current version of the questionnaire) and an alert in the case that there are inconsistencies detected in the questionnaire (such as a questionnaire without questions). Next to the folder icon that opens a questionnaire, there is an eye icon that will open a new window with a preview of the questionnaire. The header attributes of the questionnaire, such as the level, description, etc., are shown next.
A little further down, the screen is divided into two parts. On the left are the questionnaire questions and on the right, a view of the tabs to add and define the various elements of a questionnaire: Questions, Sections, Pages and Questions (in the tools tab), and Score Ranges.
Preview: Clicking on the eye icon next to the name of the questionnaire opens a new window with a preview of the questionnaire. This window will display the questionnaire just as a candidate would see it when executing the questionnaire. The preview generates a questionnaire instance, so if it is answered, the instance can be seen in the results reports. At the end of the questionnaire preview the user will be asked if he wants to save the instance or delete it. If it is saved, the results report can be seen in the list of questionnaire instances, which can be useful to help better understand the information that the report shows. If the window is closed before the questionnaire is finished, the instance will be saved, but will automatically be deleted the next day (or you can delete it manually from any list report of questionnaire instances). Avoid opening more than one preview at the same time, as this may produce unexpected results.
Add or remove questions: To add questions to the questionnaire you must go to the question tab, which will list all available questions. By default, only the questionnaire family and sub family questions are shown, but you can change the filters to see other types of questions. To add a question, just click on the question you want to add and drag it to the list of questions on the left. The order of the list determines the order in which the questions will appear in the questionnaire (the questions in the list of selected questions can be dragged to the position that you want the question to have within the questionnaire).
To remove a question you must drag it back to the list of questions. For a preview of a particular question, click on the question´s eye icon, which will show you what that particular question will look like when running the questionnaire. If you have editing privileges for a particular question, you will see a pencil icon on it, which directs you to the question´s editing view (notice what if you edit a question, this change will affect all the questionnaires that include that question, not only the questionnaire that you are currently working on).
The score and time of a question can only be edited for the current questionnaire. To do so, click on the gear icon. Two fields will appear to edit the score and time. Note that the time does not affect the questionnaire; this value is only used as a reference to estimate the approximate time needed for the entire questionnaire.
Below the list of selected questions there are several totals that show summarized information.
Add or remove sections: All questionnaires must have at least one section (but may have more). The sections allow questions to be grouped within a questionnaire, which can be used to describe the subject of the questions that compose it. For example, a proficiency questionnaire could have a numerical reasoning section and a verbal reasoning section. The section information will be displayed at the beginning of section while the questionnaire is executed. The sections have an attribute called “Additional Information”.
The additional information is the text that is displayed during the execution of the questionnaire by clicking on a button located in the upper right corner of the questionnaire. The questions may also have additional information. If the question does not have any additional information, clicking on the information button would show the section´s additional information (if any). To add a section, drag it to the list of selected questions from the sections tab (or the opposite to remove a section of the questionnaire).
Pagination: By default, all the questions appear as just one per page, however, several questions can be grouped together on the same page (which is recommended for short questions). To group several questions on a single page, go to the “Tools” tab and click on “+ Add Page”. Two bands will appear to mark the start and end of a page. Drag the start band and place it above the question that you would like to be the first question on that page and then drag the end-of-page band below the last question of the page to mark it. All questions within the start and end bands will appear on a single page when the questionnaire is run. To undo a page you can drag the bands back or click on the “x” that will appear on the right to eliminate them. Note that it is not possible to place sections within a page.
Random Questions: Random questions allow you to group a set of questions of which only one will randomly be shown during the execution of the questionnaire. This is ideal for generating variations of the same questionnaire, where it is important to ensure that the random questions are equivalent in difficulty and score to maintain the consistency of the questionnaire. To use the random questions function, go to “Tools” and click on “+ Add Random”. You can group a set of questions by dragging the bands that appear, just as was done with paging. Drag these bands to the question section to indicate the start and end of the group. When the questionnaire is executed, only one of the group’s questions will be randomly displayed.
Score Ranges: The scoring ranges allow a questionnaire to be graded according to the score obtained, and to determine a description for each value of the rank. For example, a score of 1 of 5 can be qualified as “Low Knowledge” and 5 of 10 as “Medium Knowledge”. For each range, both a short description and a longer one with more details on how to interpret the score are given. The ranges can be applied in two levels: Questionnaire or Category. If a rank is applied to the questionnaire level, it will use the total score of the questionnaire to determine the descriptions, while if it is applied to the categories, the rank will be determined by the score obtained by the category to which the rank was assigned (usually if you are going to use ranges by category you have to define a range for each category that the questionnaire uses).
To add or edit a range to the questionnaire, use the “Score Ranges” tab. This tab allows you to select a range or view the range used. The score range can also be edited by clicking on the blue “Score Ranges” link. Keep in mind that it is possible that several questionnaires share the same range, so if you modify a range, it could affect multiple questionnaires.
To use ranges by category you must go to the “Rating by Category” tab. For more information on what the categories are and how they work see “Categories”. There is a tab for each category for which a range was defined (or no tab if the questionnaire does not have ranges by category). To select a range for a category that does not yet have a tab, click on the blue “Set of Rating Ranges by Category” link. This will open a window where you can link a range to a category by clicking on the “+ New” button. The same link can be used to edit the categories and ranges already defined for the questionnaire. Finally, you can also edit the values of the ranges for a category. To do so, click on the blue “Rankings by Score” link within the particular tab of the category, and remember that a range can be used for multiple questionnaires or categories and any changes will affect all questionnaires that use that range.
Cloning: The clone button allows you to generate a copy of the questionnaire. This creates a new questionnaire that is the same as the original. This function allows you to, for example, clone a public questionnaire that you do not have permission to edit so as to have a copy that you can modify (Note that if you want to modify questions that you cannot edit, it would require cloning the questions individually, since the questions are not cloned by cloning the questionnaire, the questionnaire cloned references the same questions as the original.).
Save: The save button will store all the changes in the Evalart database. In order for the preview to show the questionnaire, you must first click save, since the preview only shows information that has already been saved. If the questionnaire that you are trying to save has been used previously, you will be asked if you want to generate a new version. See the following point to determine which option to choose.
Questionnaire versions: The questionnaires have versions. A new version can be generated by saving a questionnaire. The versions allow a questionnaire to be modified without affecting questionnaire instances that have already been generated. For example, if you have used a questionnaire for a while and want to change one of the questions because it is already well known, you can make the change in the builder and when saving, select the option to generate a new version. This way, any instances of the previous or pending questionnaire will not be affected. Keep in mind that if the change to the questionnaire is significant, for example, if the maximum score or the number of questions is modified, it may be better to clone it. The version number is an internal and non-sequential number for each questionnaire, so it is normal for versions to skip numbers.
The Questionnaires are composed of questions. There are several types of questions in Evalart, such as open-text questions, multiple-choice questions, or programming questions. Evalart has a wide database of questions of various types and categories, but the user can also create their own questions (or create modified versions of existing ones).
To see the available questions, edit, or create new questions, go to the “Questionnaires” menu, and select the “Questions” option. To add questions to a Questionnaire, use the Questionnaire Builder.
When you enter the “Questionnaires” menu and select “Questions”, a list of all the available questions is displayed. From here you can create new questions or view / edit / delete existing questions. To create a new question click on the button a second time. Click on the pencil icon to edit a question (Questions that do not have a pencil icon cannot be edited; however, they can be cloned and then edited.).
In both cases, the editing view of multiple-choice questions opens. The preview button (the eye) allows you to see what the question will look like to the user. At the bottom of the view are the “save” and “clone” buttons. When a question is cloned, a new question is generated that is identical to the original one (This is useful if many similar questions are being created or if you need to edit a question from Evalart’s question library).
At the bottom of the form there are also buttons to create or edit the question´s answer choics (For example, if the question is, “What is the capital of Switzerland?” the choices could be “Bern”, “Vienna”, etc). This option can only be used in multiple-choice questions. The “Evaluation” option is used in programming questions to determine validation scenarios. For example, if the question asks you to write a program that multiplies a number by itself, it could have several evaluation scenarios, such as “X = 0”, “X = 5”, etc. that will be used to verify the code entered by the candidate.
Type of Questionnaire: Indicates what type of questionnaire this question is apt for.
Family and Subfamily: Allows questions to be classified in families and subfamilies in order to facilitate their management. For example, a question may be from the “Programming” family and the “Java” subfamily.
Type: This defines the type of question and combines several options: Questions that use images (both for the header of the question or for the answer choices).
Open text answers (one or multiple lines) or multiple-choice (either a single choice if only one can be chosen or multiple if several answers can be selected).
Programming questions, which can either include or not include a predefined code (The predefined code is a code that is included at the beginning of the code, which allows the variables to be defined with values that will be used by the user when writing their own code. ). For example, a programming question might ask the user to write a program that multiplies a number by itself using the variable X. The predefined code could be X: = 5.
Description: This is the description that helps the person assembling the questionnaire know what the question is about (it is not the text that the candidate will see when viewing the question). For example, a description could be “Java question validating multi thread knowledge”.
Text: This is the question text that the user will see, for example, “What is the capital of Switzerland?”
Referential Score: This is the question´s default score (which can be modified for any particular questionnaire from the Questionnaire Builder).
Precondition: This is the value of the precondition of programming questions that have a predefined code.
Correct Answer: This is the text that corresponds to the correct answer (for open-text response or programming questions). For multiple-choice questions, the correct answer is determined in the alternatives view.
Referential Time: The maximum time in minutes recommended for the question. This does not affect the questionnaire; it is only a reference that is used to better estimate the total time to needed for the questionnaire that contains the question.
Width: The width of the question on the screen.
Informative Text: data-content = “Indicates the record of additional information to be used (which is shown during the questionnaire when clicking on the information button.) If none is selected then it will use the one in the question´s section in the questionnaire”
Obligatory: If this option is checked, the question is mandatory and therefore it must be answered for the user to complete the questionnaire.
Category: This is the category associated with the question. This is used in the reports, since the reports can show the sum of scores by category (the sum of the score obtained in all the questions of a questionnaire of the same category).
Module: Applies to programming questions where the programming language of the question is selected.
Level: The level of difficulty that is assigned to the question.
Performance Weight: In programming questions that measure performance, this indicates the weight in percentage that the performance has in the total score of the question.
Programming questions are created in the same way as the other types of questions, but there is a specific tool to create programming questions.
To access this tool go to the “Tools” menu and select “Programming Question Builder”.
After loading the question, the corresponding information will be displayed. On the right side there is an editor, which allows you to test how the question would evaluate an answer. On the left side are the conditions (validation scenarios) to validate the question; there are two sections. The first one is used to validate the question when the candidate is responding and the second one is used to validate and determine the score of the question. This is to prevent the candidate from entering a trivial answer such as “Print 5” instead of an algorithm to solve the question´s problem. This is why it is normal to include a predefined code, one to validate the answer during the exam and another to assign the score (with different values) so that the candidate cannot enter a trivial response without the corresponding logic.
Both for the validation during the exam and for the score it is necessary to enter the expected value. This can be entered directly or you can write a program to test the question and then copy the output of it to the answer section. You can run your program with any of the conditions by clicking on the Run button. The conditions used to validate the program are weighted, as it is possible to place several different conditions, each with a different weight which indicates how much this condition weighs and is used to calculate the score obtained by the candidate for the question.
Finally, for questions that can measure the performance of the code, you can indicate the ranges and the weight of performance in the question’s score. The validation scenarios will be used to measure the performance that must be scored. Currently, only the questions that use the TLang module allow you to measure the performance.
Recruiting Process
The selection processes in Evalart are managed using “Processes”. The first step is to create the process using the “New Process” in the “Process” menu. Once a process has been created, you can assign the questionnaires that you want to use in the process to it.
For example, for a process in which you are looking to hire a Java Developer who speaks English, you could use the “Java Developer” questionnaire and the English “Intermediate English” test. This is done from the process configuration module.
In this module you can also add the people who will be invited to the process (for processes with invitation) and obtain the link to access the questionnaires of the process (which can be automatically sent by email if desired).
As the candidates respond to the questionnaires, the status of the questionnaires and the detailed results reports become visible. You can also record in which phase of the process each candidate is and in which state, in order to have a clear vision of the candidates (For example, to know which candidates were pre-selected or discarded.).
To create a new process, go to the main menu, next click on the “Process” menu, and then select “New Process”. Once you have done this, a form will open and you will need to enter some information:
Name of the Process: This is the name that you want to give to the process, such as “Senior Java Developer”. Note that this text will be visible to the candidates.
Description: This is a more detailed description of what is sought in the process. This information is not visible to the candidates.
Registration Type: This field determines how the candidates will access the process and the questionnaires it contains. There are two types:
By invitation; this does not require registration: When this option is selected only the candidates who are invited to the process can participate. You must enter the data of all the candidates to be included in the process (or choose from those that are already in the database). Each candidate will receive a personal link to access their questionnaires. This is the default option and the one that is most commonly used.
Without invitation, requires registration: The processes configured with this option do not require a list of candidates. For each questionnaire, a single link is generated which can be used by anyone. When the link is clicked on, it will ask the person to enter their information. This option is usually used if you want to make an open application where people can directly access the questionnaires. For example, you could place a notice on a job search page with the links to the questionnaires. Interested people could click on the link and take the tests. You will have access to the data of the people who registered, as well as the results of their evaluations.
Notes: Comments or notes that you want to add to the process (they are not visible to candidates)
Click save to finish.
In order to configure a process, go to the process menu and select “Process List”. The most recently created process will appear at the beginning of the list. To enter the process configuration module, click on the gear icon that corresponds to the process you want to configure.
Once you have entered the module, the selected process´s information will be displayed. You can define a date and time limit for the process, (in which case the questionnaires can only be answered up until that date) but this is optional.
In the questionnaires section you can add questionnaires to the process, which will be used to evaluate the candidates. To do so, click on the folder icon next to the questionnaire title. A small window will open to allow you to navigate the questionnaires and select one or more of them. Click on “Select” to add the selected questionnaires to the process.
If the process is of the “by invitation” type, there will be a section on the lower right side to add candidates to the process. You can add people who are already in your database by clicking on the “Choose Candidates” button in that section or you can click on the “+” symbol to create new people that will be added to the process. You can also create candidates by loading them from a text file. First click on the “Choose Candidates” button, and then on the “Upload CSV file” button.
To upload a CSV file, it must be separated by commas and have the following structure: Email, First Name, Last Name.
Make sure to click save after adding people or questionnaires to the process. Simply click on the “Send” button to send an email to each candidate,.
You can customize the email that will be sent or use another template by clicking on the envelope button. This will open an editor where you can modify the text or use a different template. (For the dynamic content of the circle you can use the labels. I am not 100% sure what this means in Spanish or English, I´m not familiar with the use of the word corro, do you mean something like: You can use the tags for the core content of the message.?) For example, for the link to the questionnaires the tag is {$ links} (click on “Insert Label” to see the labels).
If you want to save the message for use in other processes, you can save it as a template by clicking “Save Template”. To save it only for the current process click “Save”. You can use the preview option to view the message as a candidate would see it.
You can also manually send the link to the candidates. Click on the gear next to the candidate to whom you want to manually send the link. A message will open asking if you want to create instances and see links or send. If you click send, an email will be sent only to that candidate.
If you click on “Create Instances and see links” the questionnaire instances for that candidate will be generated and the links will be displayed. To copy the link, right click on the link and select the option to copy the link (it may vary depending on the browser). When you do this the links will remain as “Not sent”, you can click on the envelope icon next to the text “Not sent” to be mark them as sent (this will allow you to remember that you have already sent the link to this candidate).
If the process does not require an invitation, the list of people will not appear. In this type of process there is a unique link for each questionnaire that can be used by any candidate. To see the links click on the icon with the link. In order for the links to work in this type of process, you must add questionnaires from your plan to the process. To do so, click on the “+” button. If for example you add 6 questionnaires, then only 6 questionnaires can be answered for this process.
For example, if your process has 2 questionnaires and you place the links to these on a web page, when you have exceeded the limit of 6 questionnaires answered (for example, if 3 people answered both questionnaires), anyone who clicks on the link will see an error indicating that the questionnaire is not available at this time. In the questionnaires section of this module (bottom right corner) you can see how many questionnaires you have added, how many have been used, and how many are available.
Once you have sent the questionnaires to the candidates you can see the status of each instance and the results reports for a specific process by going to the process list and clicking on the open folder icon (You can view the information either grouped by person or without grouping using the option in the upper right corner).
The recently created questionnaire instances will be in the “CRE” state. If the candidate has clicked on the link and started the questionnaire, it will be in the “PRG” (In Progress) state. If you cancel a questionnaire instance, it will go to the “CAN” state (Canceled) .The canceled questionnaires (depending on the conditions) will revert the used credit, so the questionnaire credit will be added back to your plan or to the process.
For completed questionnaire instances you can view the results report (if the questionnaire has an assigned report type). To see the report, click on the magnifying glass. Completed reports can also be canceled by clicking on the trash can icon, but in this case the credit is not reversed.
Additionally, there are two other operations that you can carry out from this list. One is to re-calculate the score (This is used if you created a questionnaire with certain score conditions and then change them after the candidate has already finished the questionnaire.). To recalculate, click on the circled arrow icon. For expired questionnaires, it is also possible to force the score to be calculated by clicking on the check button.
The other option offered by this list is to “reset” a questionnaire instance. Click on the icon with the lightning; this will return the questionnaire to its initial state (as when it was created). This can be useful if a candidate has a problem. For example, the candidate lost internet connection during the test and when he resumed the test, the time had expired and he has asked to take the test again.
There are other ways to view the results. To see the last questionnaires of any process you can use the View Sent Questionnaires report from the main menu (in Reports). You can also see all the questionnaire instances of a particular candidate by looking at the list of people in the process menu, by clicking on the folder icon. The reports overview allows you to see the results by candidate, ordered by ranking, or as a complete list of all the tests.
Finally, the main page of the Evalart administrator (click on the Evalart logo inside the administration module) contains graphs and information about the processes and active questionnaires in a single view.
Evalart lets you edit the score of any questionnaire instance (One questionnaire instance corresponds to a questionnaire answered by a particular candidate). This is useful if you determine that the candidate should receive a different score than they were assigned by the system. This can occur, for example, if the candidate wrote a response that was generally good but had a minor error when displaying the answer (different from what is expected for that question), in which case the system would assign a zero, but the evaluator might want to give a partial score. This option is also used for manual correction of questions.
To manually edit an instance, just click on the pencil icon in any questionnaire instances list (such as the report of questionnaires answered). This will open the editing view of the questionnaire instance.
To change a score select the question and then click on the pencil icon in the field labeled “Manual Score”. The description of the result can also be edited and you can even modify the candidate’s answer (for example, if you think that he made a minor error and you want to verify this by directly correcting the code). In these cases the candidate’s original response is stored and you can restore it if necessary.
With Evalart you can manage the selection process by monitoring the status and stage in which each candidate is in (applicant tracking).
The processes use the generic Evalart flow by default. To manage the status and phase of each candidate, enter the Selection Processes menu, and then select the Process Flow option. From here you can place the candidates in the phase in which they are by just dragging and dropping them.
It is also possible to change the candidate’s status by clicking on the status field (the field with underlined blue dots). Additionally, you can add or edit a rating with a range from one to five stars to add a note to your candidates.
If you wish, you can create your own flow, with the states and phases you need. To do so, enter Configuration, and then Process Flows, which will open the process flow configuration view. From here you can create a new flow or edit an existing one.
After creating a flow, you can drag and drop the phases you want to include (or create your own phases) and then add the states that the candidates may have within these phases (drag the states to the corresponding phase or create new states if it is necessary).
To assign a process flow to a process, you must select it when creating a new selection process or modify it by editing the process you want to configure with a different flow.