Aptitude tests measure the ability of a person in diverse areas. With Evalart you can measure a person’s aptitude in various aspects, such as verbal aptitude, numerical aptitude, analytical capacity, intelligence (IQ / CI), attention to details, data interpretation, among others.
Unlike knowledge tests, which are based more on a person’s experience and level of study, aptitude tests measure the person’s potential to perform successfully in a given area. For example, a developer should have analytical skills, while a Big Data expert should have data interpretation skills. Evalart’s online tests are an excellent pre-filter to avoid using interview time on candidates who do not have the required skills for the position, as well as identifying those who may have excellent performance.
Since aptitude tests are a very good predictor of future performance, they are ideal as a first-line of tests to reduce the number of candidates in your selection process. This way, depending on the position for which the test is being used, it is possible to reduce the number of candidates to a third or less. Since the tests are completed online and are automatically corrected, it is possible to evaluate a large number of candidates in a short time. This increases the chances of finding the ideal candidate, as well as allows you to focus the selection efforts on the best candidates, and interview only those who passed the initial filter of the online test.
Evalart includes ready-to-use proficiency tests, plus a library of questions with which you can create your own tests. You can even create tests from scratch, and create your own questions. Evalart supports various types of questions, such as single or multiple-choice, images for both the question and the answer, and open text options.