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Evalart vs. TestGorilla | Compare Online Candidate Assessment Platforms

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When it’s time to find the right fit for your team, the traditional resume review process can be cumbersome and prone to biases. Fortunately, assessment platforms like Evalart and TestGorilla offer innovative solutions to streamline hiring and identify top talent.

Evalart vs TestGorilla

Understanding the strengths of both Evalart and TestGorilla will help you make an informed decision on which online candidate assessment platform best matches your hiring needs.

Simplifying Assessment

Evalart simplifies the hiring process by providing a concise yet powerful suite of almost 300 online assessments in Spanish, more than150 tests in English, and 80 in Portuguese, which all cover a spectrum of candidate competencies. Designed with customisability in mind, Evalart’s question builder empowers employers to tailor assessments according to the specific requirements of the job, tapping into psychometric analyses, IT expertise, and more.

TestGorilla also has vast library of over 300 tests, offering recruiters a great range of online assessments.

Tailoring to Role-Specific Needs

When building a job-specific assessment, TestGorilla offers a variety of tests from cognitive abilities to programming skills. Evalart, however, champions a more focused approach, with each test engineered for precision and relevance to ensure it meets the unique demands of each role.

With Evalart’s intuitive platform, assessments can be customised or created from scratch, giving you greater control over the evaluation criteria.

International Recruitment and Localisation

TestGorilla is equipped with localised websites in over 11 languages, aligning with the needs of global recruitment. Evalart, on the other hand, offers tests predominantly in English and Spanish but makes up for its more limited linguistic range with its exceptional customisation options, ensuring that your assessments are perfectly aligned with your organisation’s language needs.

Advanced Capabilities for Hiring Developers

Both platforms enable hiring managers to assess candidates’ technical expertise effectively. TestGorilla provides over 80 tests tailored to developers, including coding challenges and frameworks assessment. Evalart responds with tests meticulously structured to ascertain essential programming skills, spanning various levels of difficulty and key web-development platforms like Angular and React JS.

Evalart particularly excels when it comes to applying practical tests that reflect real-world scenarios, allowing for a more precise evaluation of a developer’s problem-solving capabilities.

Streamlined Hiring Process

TestGorilla’s cutting-edge pre-employment testing platform promises bias-free hiring through a rich selection of scientifically validated tests. However, Evalart not only furnishes you with detailed, customisable evaluations but also doubles as an Applicant Tracking System (ATS). This gives a strategic advantage by offering a holistic view of each candidate’s progress throughout the selection process.

Evalart’s Innovative Video Interviews

Evalart prioritises a strategic approach to candidate assessments by recommending video interviews as a follow-up to traditional tests of aptitude, knowledge, and abilities. Unique to Evalart:

  • Candidates have the opportunity to respond to video interview questions with answers up to two minutes in length, creating a comprehensive picture of the candidate for the employers.
  • The video interviews can be seamlessly integrated with existing tests or used to create unique video-based assessments for flexible testing scenarios.
  • Evalart allows hiring teams to collaboratively review and score candidates’ video submissions to foster a unified decision-making process.

One notable distinction is Evalart’s concept of a single-take video interview, challenging candidates to present their best response in a realistic and pressurised setting, closely mimicking real-life interview conditions.

TestGorilla’s Approach to Video Interviews

TestGorilla offers one-way video interviews along with custom video questions for a tailored assessment experience. Features such as evaluative notes and scoring per candidate’s response are part of their service, offering insights into the communicative abilities of prospective hires.

While TestGorilla focuses on a varied and candidate-friendly approach, Evalart distinguishes itself by strategic sequencing of assessment types and fostering a real-time interview simulation with its one-take response feature.

Candidate Experience: A Closer Look at Evalart

The gateway to a successful hiring process is ensuring a positive candidate experience. Essential aspects include ease of use, mobile accessibility, and supportive customer service.

Evalart excels by:

  • Providing an extensive FAQ resource for candidate queries, emphasising self-help and initiative.
  • Offering a centralised platform where candidates can manage their assessments, promoting a sense of control and security.
  • Empowering customisation through tailored emails and the ability to adjust branding elements like logos and colour schemes within both tests and reports.

While TestGorilla offers a series of features to improve the candidate experience, Evalart provides succinct solutions designed to maximise efficiency without compromising on quality or branding opportunities.

Evalart’s vs TestGorilla: Versatility for Businesses Big and Small

Both small businesses and large enterprises require flexible testing platforms that cater to their evolving needs. Evalart serves all scales of operations admirably, including:

  • Flexible control over user permissions, enabling secure management of sensitive information.
  • The ability to manage candidates en masse efficiently, crucial for large recruitment drives.
  • A proprietary ATS system, eliminating the need for external software and streamlining the recruitment process.

Evalart’s dedication to a broad clientele is evident, offering robust solutions without reliance on third-party ATS integration, marking a streamlined, autonomous approach tailored to businesses at every level.

In contrast, while TestGorilla provides various scales of plans and features to accommodate different business sizes, Evalart differentiates itself with a built-in ATS that simplifies the recruitment workflow for all its users.

Reliable Results with Evalart’s Comprehensive Quality Control

The stalwart reliability of Evalart begins with its science-based approach, meticulously reviewing psychometric tests for internal coherence, criterion validity, and construct validity. Although TestGorilla boasts a multi-step quality control process involving various experts, Evalart’s commitment to scientific methods translates to assessments you can trust implicitly.

Superior Anti-Cheating Protocols with Evalart

When fairness is non-negotiable, Evalart’s discreet yet effective anti-cheating mechanisms ensure all candidates are assessed equitably. Our elaborate fraud detection system employs online web proctoring, combining webcam screenshots, and advanced AI to authentically verify a candidate’s identity against their registration photo. Plus, Evalart’s question randomisation and plagiarism monitoring set the gold standard – practices that TestGorilla emulates with snapshots and IP checks.

Evalart’s Advanced Reporting Unlocks In-Depth Insights

Evalart revolutionises the reporting phase with customisable reports that add wide-ranging clarity to your candidates’ performance, juxtaposed against the more basic PDF, Excel, and CSV options from TestGorilla. From personalised notes to our adaptive scoring system, recruitment professionals have the flexibility to tailor reports to their unique specifications, empowering the decision-making process with Evalart’s scores and rankings that illuminate top applicants faster and more clearly.

Evalart vs TestGorilla: Customer Support

Customer support is crucial, not only for using the software features optimally but also for timely resolution if candidates encounter issues.

Evalart offers dedicated customer support, available directly via email to ensure that any queries are addressed promptly. Our website also features a live chat service to support customers with more generalised quereies.

Though TestGorilla provides support via live chat, email, or phone – but this is only available for certain plans.

Evalart vs TestGorilla: Pricing

For a smart pricing strategy that caters to diverse recruitment needs, Evalart edges ahead. Evalart understands the importance of personalized solutions, which is why we offer both pay-as-you-go testing options and monthly subscriptions for customers with regular testing needs. This flexible choice of approaches ensures that you’re only paying for what you need – a philosophy that resonates with budget-conscious recruiters.

On the other hand, TestGorilla markets pre-set plans with upfront monthly fees, which may better suite some organisations, but this structure could impose limits on the number of tests or candidates unless you upgrade.

Evalart vs TestGorilla: Ease of Use

The user experience is paramount for efficient pre-employment screening. Evalart’s platform stands out with its straightforward interface, allowing recruiters to craft questionnaires with ease and simplifying the experience for candidates — a testimony to its effective simplicity.

TestGorilla also provides a user-friendly experience, but it’s Evalart’s streamlined processes and intuitive reporting system that steals the show. The platform’s straightforwardness has received favorable reviews from customers and is an asset for any recruitment process.

Making an Informed Choice

In choosing between TestGorilla’s all-encompassing approach and Evalart’s sharpened focus on specific competencies, Evalart emerges as a compelling choice for businesses desiring a tailored, efficiency-driven hiring experience. While TestGorilla offers a similarly extensive range of tests, Evalart streamlines the process without compromising on depth or quality, ensuring each assessment directly contributes to finding the perfect candidate for your company.