Posted on By Yeniree BocaneyTagged Reclutamiento General, Técnicas de Selección de Personal, Uncategorized
Many specialists in recruitment and selection of personnel and management agree that a diverse team allows organizations to be more innovative, creative and achieve better results.
Allowing and having perspectives and experiences within a team brings out new ideas to solve problems and drive creativity and innovation. That is why today many business organizations around the world are focused on increasing diversity in their hiring strategy.
It is important to point out that diversity goes beyond results and performance. Diversity is an important cause that every modern organization should strive to uphold. It is necessary to form teams of qualified candidates, regardless of their religion, race, gender, or sexual orientation, and to move towards real equality in the workplace.
What is diverse recruitment?
Diversity in the workplace is about your team reflecting the general makeup of the society around you.
Your staff should be made up of a variety of different types of individuals, with different backgrounds and experiences. This includes a real diversity of gender, experience, socioeconomic level, religion, sexual orientation, etc.
Diversity can be analyzed into two categories: inherent diversity, such as demographic factors, or learned diversity, which is developed or earned over time. As such, inherent diversity is related to ethnic origin, gender, age, and any other natural characteristics of the person.
Learned diversity has to do with factors such as education, experience, values, skills, and knowledge, which are more fluid and can develop and change over time.
Diverse recruitment refers to the selection of applicants through a process free of prejudice for or against an individual or group of applicants, being a selection based on merit, to find the best possible candidate, but it is structured to provide equal conditions and opportunities to all applicants, regardless of their background.
Advantages of Diverse Recruitment
Diverse recruitment allows benefits in terms of performance. The application of diversity policies is not expensive. Expensive could be not having a structured policy on the subject, which can be onerous for the business organization.
The company will have to make an initial start-up investment, but once started, the diversity policy incurs no cost. Various investigations indicate that older people do not cost more or that women miss more work. Among the benefits of an adequate diverse recruitment policy, the following stand out:
Diversity as an element of risk reduction
The idea is to avoid sanctions with serious consequences, both in economic and image terms. Respect for equality is fundamental, but verifying that it is applied in reality is also a necessity.
Diversity brings performance
Diverse recruitment is part of a business strategy to win new markets. This is particularly true for companies that work at an international level, which directly situate themselves in interculturality and, by extension, diversity.
Similarly, organizations that work on public tenders in some countries must respect the legal framework for diversity. This approach also benefits the company by presenting the image of a “responsible employer”, which is now an important business argument.
Diversity and the promotion of organizational performance
Diversity makes it possible to improve individual relationships within organizations, the social climate, team cohesion, and the overall operation of the company. Its advantage is given by bringing creativity by multiplying points of view and developing innovation, it allows the use of internal resources that had not been used until now or at least not enough.
Requirements for the success of a diversity policy
The first thing is that the company must establish a personalized, thoughtful, coherent action plan, following its internal culture and the sector in which it operates, then plan this action plan in several stages.
It is up to each organization to build its diversity policy. The acceptance and adherence of managers are fundamental. The project must necessarily be accompanied by actions that help them improve their management.
The management is the engine of the human resources policy, without it little is possible because it is the management who, in the end, will have to integrate all the company’s processes.
In these circumstances, diversity will be integrated into the different areas of the organization and will become a source of performance.
Diverse Recruitment Management
Some managers and human resources specialists wonder what they could do to increase the diversity of their companies through their recruitment and selection processes.
Some elements of your recruitment and selection process that can be improved to increase quality include:
An appropriate definition of diversity in your company
First of all, it is necessary to assess how your organization defines diversity, what you are trying to achieve by increasing it and where you need to strengthen your efforts. The answers to these questions allow us to identify the best path for its implementation.
Locate candidates
An effective way to optimize diversity is to analytically review your recruitment and selection process.
Some organizations promote referral programs as they allow quality talent to be found quickly and with little risk of unknowns.
However, if your employees aren’t particularly diverse, your recommendations may not be either. An added risk of these programs is that current employees sometimes pressure decision-makers to hire their referrals for a bonus.
It becomes necessary to identify several selection channels. It can be relatively easy to continue using conventional recruiting channels that your company has been using for a long time.
However, these sources are often not particularly diverse. So it is necessary to find various sources for your applicants.
Teams of professionals can be used on the Internet and contacted for the publication of their job offers in their newsletters.
It can also be effective to search the networks for teams organized around a specific profession, and contact them to post your job offers on their platforms.
All of the above will allow your team to reflect the general composition of the society that surrounds it, with all the benefits that this represents.