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Programming questions are created in the same way as the other types of questions, but there is a specific tool to create programming questions.

To access this tool go to the “Tools” menu and select “Programming Question Builder”.

After loading the question, the corresponding information will be displayed. On the right side there is an editor, which allows you to test how the question would evaluate an answer. On the left side are the conditions (validation scenarios) to validate the question; there are two sections. The first one  is used to validate the question when the candidate is responding and the second one is used to validate and determine the score of the question. This is to prevent the candidate from entering a trivial answer such as “Print 5” instead of an algorithm to solve the question´s problem. This is why it is normal to include a predefined code, one to validate the answer during the exam and another to assign the score (with different values) so that the candidate cannot enter a trivial response without the corresponding logic.

Both for the validation during the exam and for the score it is necessary to enter the expected value. This can be entered directly or you can write a program to test the question and then copy the output of it to the answer section. You can run your program with any of the conditions by clicking on the Run button. The conditions used to validate the program are weighted, as it is possible to place several different conditions, each with a different weight which indicates how much this condition weighs and is used to calculate the score obtained by the candidate for the question.

Finally, for questions that can measure the performance of the code, you can indicate the ranges and the weight of performance in the question’s score. The validation scenarios will be used to measure the performance that must be scored. Currently, only the questions that use the TLang module allow you to measure the performance.