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Benefits of Using Evalart Programming Tests


Evaluating IT profiles, specifically, developers have always implied a complex process. Technical interviews are useful, but they tend to favor those candidates who know how to sell themselves best.... Read more

Benefits of using the Disc Test


The DISC test is a tool that provides human resources staff with a report on a candidate's personality and possible behavior in different situations. During the process, candidates are asked to... Read more

The IT Recruiter


A recruiter is a person who selects personnel for a specific vacancy such as a salesperson, clerk, operator, among others. An IT recruiter is a selector that chooses Information Technology personnel... Read more

Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS)


Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) are applications that analyze CVs. It is a fundamental IT tool for the Human Resources area since it is more efficient, saving time and money in companies that... Read more

Cattell’s 16 Factors


Cattell was the creator of the 16 PF Test. However, among the most significant interventions of the author are the development of an outstanding theory of personality, the creation of new methods for... Read more

6 Recruitment and Selection Tools that cannot be Missing in a Human Resources Area


Currently, the Human Resources area is not exempt from technological innovations, so it is necessary to keep in mind the tools that cannot be missing in a Human Resources area to implement the latest... Read more

New Trends in Recruitment and Selection for 2019.


The new year brings new trends in recruitment and selection for 2019. Jobs change, and so do the ways of recruiting; not being aware of them implies not being able to take advantage of 100% of the... Read more

Questions for a successful structured interview


A structured interview is a standardized way of interviewing job candidates based on the specific needs for the job they are applying for. Candidates are asked the same questions in the same order,... Read more

Recruiting 2.0


The term "recruitment 2.0" is widely heard in recruitment (some are even starting to talk about 3.0 or 4.0). But what do we mean when we talk about recruitment 2.0? In this post, we will explain a... Read more

DISC assessment


The DISC test is widely used in personnel selection processes as it is easy to administer and complete; the test has been translated into several languages such as Chinese, English, French, German,... Read more