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Types of recruitment: What are they and which one to choose?

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It is important that any human resources team is aware of the different types of recruitment, as the more search options they have, the greater their chances of finding the right talent. It is important that any recruiter recognizes the different forms and styles of recruitment that exist and knows how to use them. Competition for talent is fierce and the winners in the job market can make a big difference to the business later on. Using the specifications of each type of job will allow your company to recruit better and we already know the benefits of hiring the right people.

The recruitment process can be tedious, so it is important to have clarity on the types that exist and thus be able to make decisions regarding the most appropriate to use based on the needs of the organization.

For these reasons, in this article we will explain the different variants in terms of recruitment, what they are, how they work and how you can use them.

Types of recruitment.

We can distinguish different types of recruitment depending on where the candidates are searched for: outside the company or within it, on social networks, etc. These are some of the most common methods.

External recruitment.

External hiring is a very common type of hiring and consists of filling a position with someone who has not previously been part of the organization (that is, someone from outside the company). Using different talent selection methods, external recruitment provides the company with a wide space and the opportunity to build a diverse and integral team. However, it is usually more expensive and sometimes more risky than other forms of hiring.

This search for people is carried out through different strategies.

  • Headhunting process.

Headhunting is used when the job search is directed at older or professional people. Companies hire one or more specialists for these positions in order to find ideal candidates based on the organization’s search criteria.

  • Search through the internet.

Hiring through job ads is a recruitment method in which companies post job offers and then select applicants based on whether they meet the search criteria. It is one of the most used methods in various types of hiring, both external and internal.

Social hiring goes one step further than hiring through job ads, as it involves the use of social networks and other online platforms to search for and attract candidates. In this method, companies use their profiles on social networks and other online channels to promote their job offers and attract qualified candidates.

  • Search for staff through employment services.

There are dozens of job search platforms available today. A company can rely on them to advertise that it is in the hiring phase and to receive CVs from applicants for vacancies. However, when there is a high volume of applications, it is essential to have a system that allows offers to be sent automatically. This way, time and effort can be saved and candidates can be processed more efficiently.

  • Outsourcing of processes.

Hiring through intermediation consists of entrusting the talent search process to an external organization or manager, which helps save time and resources for the company. However, it also removes the company from the selection process and entrusts the task to a third party. It is important to keep in mind that this option may be more expensive than other forms of hiring, as the services of the intermediary must be paid for. In addition, it is important to carefully choose the intermediary to ensure that the company’s search criteria are met and the right candidate is found.

Internal recruitment.

Unlike external hiring, internal hiring involves mobility within the company, which means that positions are filled by someone who has already joined the company’s team.

This type of employment is interesting because it is cheaper than it would otherwise be, generates trust in the collective, unites the company’s employees and shows that executives believe they are capable of assuming new responsibilities. However, among the various recruitment channels, recruiters face more restrictions and face a more limited group of talents that may or may not meet the requirements of the position. This type of recruitment includes several different ways to apply.

  • Human talent base of the organization.

The talent database is a set of information about candidates who have participated in selection processes in the past. This information can be used to fill future vacancies in the company. While each phase of the search has its own characteristics and corresponding selection results, the database generated from the different processes is still important and helpful to the organization. By having a talent database, the company can have a list of candidates who have already shown interest in working for it and who meet its requirements, which can accelerate the selection process and reduce costs.

  • Referral plans.

The referral program is a recruitment technique that is commonly used in internal recruitment. It is based on the idea that employees who are already part of the organization can recommend other people who are involved in the job search and who meet the requirements for the vacant positions. Employees already know the work dynamics of the company and, based on this and the search criteria, they can recommend people with the necessary professional skills for the vacant positions.

The referral program is an effective form of recruitment since employees already know the company’s culture and can recommend people who fit in with it. In addition, the recommended candidates have already been previously evaluated by an employee of the company, which can speed up the selection process and reduce costs.

  • Rehiring.

Re-employment is a recruitment process in which a person who has already worked for the company is offered the opportunity to return to it. If the job search matches the profile of an employee who is already associated with the organization, the recruitment process also includes contacting that person again and offering them the opportunity to return to the organization.

Mixed recruitment.

By combining the two visible types of recruitment, we obtain a hybrid recruitment: we call on both internal and external candidates and evaluate a large number of responses to find the best talent. In general, the existing recruitment methods are not pure and hybrid recruitment is the most used option by companies and recruiters. This type of hiring promotes innovation and a diverse work environment, but it is slower and more expensive than other types of hiring and finding the right talent may require more effort.

Mass recruitment.

The different types of labor hiring that we have seen focus on finding the right group of professional talent. Generally, these types of hiring are designed to fill vacancies. However, there are also situations where companies need to fill a large number of positions in a short time, in which case we are dealing with mass hiring. This type of hiring usually uses external hiring to find employees and is more common in industries with high turnover such as hospitality, call center operators, and customer service.

For human resource managers, the type of recruitment varies according to need and the different steps and methods to be used are established. It is important to understand each type of method because the wider the spectrum of opportunities, the closer you will be to finding the right people to join your company. Depending on the perspective you choose, each type of corporate recruitment also presents different challenges and different responses to recruitment needs.

At Evalart, we have different tests used to improve recruitment processes, present in the test catalog.