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Are skills and competencies the same thing?


The short answer is... No, they are not the same, although the difference is subtle and this is what tends to confuse the two concepts. Knowing these definitions and their implications is key in any... Read more

The 9 key psychometric tests for your recruitment process


The selection process of a new member of a company is very important because not only are many resources invested before and during the selection of this new talent, but once the person is chosen,... Read more

Data-driven culture


Over the years, the practice of data analytics has been promoted in different areas of the organization, such as finance, marketing, and an area that is becoming increasingly important, human... Read more

Shortage of human talent in IT


The global labor market has encountered different challenges. Quarantine, teleworking, massive layoffs, and process automation are some aspects that have affected all levels of the organization,... Read more

Key tips for writing emails that nurture the candidate search


In an active search for candidates, recruiters can use various strategies to attract both passive and active candidates. One of these strategies is using emails that the head of the talent search... Read more

How important is the search for candidates?


The current talent market is highly competitive, and while, for some positions, there may be many qualified people to fill them, for others, it is more complicated to find the right prospect. It is... Read more

3 tips for setting SMART goals for your Recruiting Team


One of the main steps to reaching our objectives is to set concrete goals that not only keep us motivated but also allow us to see the path towards the result we want to achieve and to know without a... Read more

Hiring Freelancers or Employees: Pros and Cons of each one


Most of us grew up watching our parents, and even grandparents, work 20, 30, and even 40 years in the same company, faithful and dedicated employees of it from the time they left school until it was... Read more

Top 5 employee incentives + bonus


There is no better feeling than feeling valued, esteemed, and the effort and dedication given are taken into account; in short, feeling appreciated. This is one of the biggest drivers that move any... Read more

5 Recruiting Trends for the Second Half of 2022


We know what the last couple of years have meant for everyone, how it has changed not only our way of seeing life and the way we relate but everything around us. These changes have not left out the... Read more