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5 Books Every Software Development Manager Should Read

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One of the best and oldest sources of technical knowledge is reading. There is nothing more valuable than reading the experiences of experienced professionals in the area we are interested in. In this case, software development project management. That is why, in this article, we compiled five books that every software development manager should read at least once in their life:

The Mythical Man-Month by Frederick Brooks

If you are involved in software development and project management, you may have heard of this book or, at least, of its author; since this reading is considered a classic regarding software development and project management. The thesis presented by the author, Frederick Brooks, on this occasion focuses on the idea that “adding human resources to a delayed project makes it take even longer”, which is known as “Brooks’ law” and is presented together with the second-system effect and the defense of prototyping. It is also good to note that the writer’s observations are based on their experience working at the U.S. multinational technology company IBM, where he managed the development of the OS/360 operating system.

The Manger’s Path: A Guide for Tech Leaders Navigating Growth and Change by Camille Fournier

In this practical guide, author Camille Fournier takes you through each stage of the transformation that an engineer experience when becoming a technical manager. Camille is a remarkable example of someone who combines strong technical skills and professional accomplishments with human capital management. I find her a great advisor to help you find the answers you may not have received help to formulate in college. This book is ideal for new managers, mentors, or even leaders with years of experience looking for new tips and updates on the techniques managers are using today.

Peopleware by Tom DeMarco and Timothy Lister

I believe this book can already be considered a software development classic. The structure of this book revolves around dozens of different tips and practices that every dedicated management professional should understand. The language of this book is also very casual and fun, which makes it very easy to understand, making the reading experience more fluid. In addition, many of the statements are backed up by scientific research and statistics.

Team Geek: A Software Developer’s Guide to Working Well with Others by Brian W. Fitzpatrick

In this entertaining text, Brian Fitzpatrick and Ben Collins-Sussman teach you about human capital, which is often underrated. The valuable information offered by the authors in this book will help you learn to live together as a team and invest time in acquiring the “soft skills” of software development. The goal of this reading is to help you make a much higher impact with the same amount of effort, and they also cover basic patterns and anti-patterns that will help you relate to others in the workplace. In 2013, it was a finalist in the Jolt awards, and the jury included it in the five books every developer should read.

High Output Management by Andy Grove

The last book of the top is one of the most famous in Silicon Valley. It is a crash course for middle managers written by former Intel CEO Andrew S. Grove. In a simple guide format, this book helps you better understand Grove’s art and science of management, whose recommendations are equally appropriate for development managers, sales managers, accountants, consultants, and teachers, among other professions involving teamwork. Today, this reading has been praised by leaders such as Mark Zuckerberg, John Doerr, and Marc Andreessen, among others in the technology industry.

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