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Corporate values: the key to good leadership.

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When employees of a company share a common belief, it is more likely that they will work well as a team. Leadership based on values seeks to instill these shared beliefs in order to increase cohesion among employees, which is key to improving productivity, generating greater commitment, and fostering a greater willingness to work as a team. Knowing that leaders are guiding the company based on shared values can motivate employees and increase the chances of achieving each goal successfully. Additionally, this improves performance and makes people feel more comfortable in their roles. Leaders can be influential, but they must also learn to develop their influence. The qualities of a business leader do not come automatically with the position, so it is essential to learn and develop them.

Therefore, in recruitment processes, leadership tests are often used to identify candidates’ ability to foster development and cohesion within the organization.

Leadership based on consistent and structured values drives alignment, reduces stress and tension in the workplace, and ensures transparency and trust among colleagues. Although there is great diversity among companies and leadership styles, the most successful leaders in the business world share certain beliefs and qualities that energize employees, motivate them, inspire trust, and create genuine connections among all members of the organization. Next, the 5 best business management skills are presented:

Influencing Skills

Effective business leaders don’t just tell people what to do based on their title or position. Although some leaders may believe in this line of thinking, modern leaders influence corporate culture by bringing employees together around a common mission. The key to success is communicating the “purpose of the goal” of the organization, what the company aims to achieve, how success is measured and how victory is defined. Successful business leaders lead with relationships of mutual respect and care, using influence rather than intimidation. Influencing skills disseminate a sense of cooperative responsibility among team members. Additionally, the ability to influence others to commit to the company’s vision creates a positive motivation for colleagues.


All organizations have different strategies to achieve certain goals, however, a true leader focuses his efforts on achieving these goals through programs and resources that align with corporate standards such as the company’s vision and values. These leaders constantly seek strategies for different problems and realities that may arise, in this way, they can solve them more efficiently any novelty and the team will feel motivated and aligned to a strategy that also seeks the development of skills and knowledge of their workers, inspiring commitment and the achievement of important standards for an organization.

Communication Skills

When an employee admires and recognizes the work of a good leader, he or she is accepting that there is open and fluid communication. Even in adversity, people value leaders who communicate clearly and honestly, feeling comfortable within their work team.

Effective leaders inspire confidence by balancing leadership with humility, it is important to accept responsibility and express respect for colleagues, which generates in them a perspective of loyalty and contributes to the overall success of the company. Assertiveness is a fundamental aspect of this process.

Inspiring Vision

Being a leader involves having an inspiring vision and communicating it to others. Skillfully managing a business is able to identify new opportunities, nuances, opposing trends and contradictions. These leaders adopt different perspectives and changing trends so they can adjust their thinking and strategies as necessary. However, they also focus on the future with a sense of enthusiasm and embrace of innovation, not just limited to making decisions based on calculations.

Association and Relationship Building

A key characteristic of great leaders is the ability and ease to develop associations and build relationships. No company develops with the work of one person, it is necessary to foster a good work environment and generate relationships within the community to achieve goals and objectives more efficiently and effectively. Additionally, business leaders often associate with leaders of other companies to collaborate on different technologies, resulting in unique and successful products or innovations. Associations and relationships between business leaders and employees in all offices are the foundation of successful careers and excellent business results. Leaders recognize the importance of programs that teach how to overcome previous barriers of communication and collaboration so that companies and individuals can achieve common goals. Given the current situation, this is especially important as remote work management becomes critical.

How to Lead with Values?

First, it is necessary to know one’s own values, it sounds a bit logical, but it is important to take a moment to reflect on the principles and values that govern your personality, managing to identify if they align with the organizational culture of a company and if they really adapt to your expectations.

Once those personal values have been identified, it is important to know the values of the organization, identifying if they are rooted in the culture and work environment of the company. In this way, a culture based on values can be promoted, helping all members of the organization to connect. These values must be promoted at all times, from the personnel selection process to training and events, in this way all collaborators will feel connected and motivated by unified corporate values.

Lastly and very importantly, feedback, effective feedback is at the core of the organization, identifying what is truly valued within it, its mission, principles and values, managing to analyze both strengths and weaknesses necessary to enhance the daily work of the company.

It should be noted that sharing leadership is not an easy task, there must be great humility and mutual acceptance, knowing that the other party is also capable of doing things and knows more than the leader himself. The most profitable, competitive and productive companies are those that know how to define their core business and get all their employees to understand and accept it. To achieve this, it is essential to have a clear mission for the company.

Leadership is an interesting topic, and it will likely continue to be for quite some time. The models we use now can certainly help us understand parts of the personality traits that are characteristic of a leader, and if what you need is a test to evaluate candidates with leadership skills, you can use the Evalart Leadership Test that evaluates the factors mentioned in this article.