Psychometric tests are one of the most widely used tools in the recruitment process. They help to diagnose and identify the skills, attitudes, and candidates’ values to assess their suitability for the proposed position. They are divided into groups according to the specific characteristics evaluated.
Next, we will address a variation of this type of test, the LIFO test.
The word LIFO is derived from the combination of “LIFE” and “ORIENTATION”, referring to the direction in matters such as lifestyles and work.
Style is evidenced in a person’s behavior, which is determined by thoughts and interests. We define behavior as “our response to our environment”; style is the way we respond to that environment.
LIFO shows a person’s preferences and orientations (most likely and least likely) in everyday and stress-related situations.
What is the purpose of the LIFO test?
The main objective of the LIFO test is to understand the work style of people in daily situations and under stressful conditions and to guide us on the strengths and weaknesses of the person evaluated in areas of teamwork and leadership. The test is used as a starting point with people, especially at a senior level (project manager, manager, or supervisor).
It provides the opportunity to identify the strengths and talents of those evaluated and how they apply them in their daily work tasks. It shows how people can increase their effectiveness by controlling and managing their vital functions. It facilitates the use and application of this talent management in the integration of work teams or projects, team project solutions, planning, and distribution of work.
What leadership styles does the LIFO test assess, and in what situations are they assessed?
LIFO does not suggest that one leadership style is better than another; instead, it prioritizes each one depending on the preferences of each candidate and helps identify what type of leadership your job offer requires. As mentioned above, the test identifies the direct links between these styles and work situations that may arise, such as risk situations and cooperation with colleagues.
At evalart we have a test used in recruitment processes to establish the leadership style present in each candidate.
The LIFO test is related to the following four leadership styles or work orientations present in those evaluated:
Gives and Supports: Their style is based on sensitivity to the needs of others, the pursuit of excellence and high ideals are their basic orientations, and their integrity and seriousness will be appreciated in the pursuit of good results. Their goal is to be perceived as a sensitive and valuable person.
Takes and Controls: Their main role is to make things happen. This type of person makes things happen and needs to convince others of their ability to achieve their goals consistently. Their goal is to be perceived as an active and competent individual.
Maintains and Conserves: Their basic orientation with this style is to carefully and rationally protect what they already have and use existing resources to build on the past; they try to maximize the use of resources for a purpose, and being systematic and organized is their priority. Their goal is to be seen as an objective and rational person.
Adapts and Negotiates: Their basic tendency is to be sensitive and adaptable to the wants and needs of others. By pleasing others and meeting their needs first, they will eventually find fulfillment in their aspirations. Their goal is to be loved and accepted by other people.
On the other hand, the test allows us to analyze the behavior of the evaluated person in the following conditions:
Normal (or favorable) conditions: These situations occur every day without causing any stress or strain. These may be situations in your daily life.
Stressful (or adverse) conditions: These situations can cause stress or heightened arousal. They are usually motivated by some internal or external factor that leads them to do something out of their daily routine.
Undoubtedly, a company will face stressful situations where it needs someone who can handle them without endangering work systems or people. That is why LIFO uses psychometric tests to find people with leadership skills that match your company’s needs, selecting the most suitable people for the different tasks that may arise within a company.