Aside from the work field itself, the work environment, or employee climate, significantly influences how employees feel while performing their duties. An employee climate evaluation is a tool that allows for an analysis of the organization and detects aspects such as turnover rate, absence, performance, or excellence in employee job performance.
Evalart has a complete Employee Climate Survey and all the necessary functionality to apply the survey and see the results. You can create an account on Evalart to conduct an employee climate survey from there.
How to conduct Employee Climate Surveys with Evalart?
The Evalart workplace climate survey allows you to evaluate various relevant areas such as commitment or job satisfaction and determine if the values are low, medium, or high. This information is crucial in determining which areas need action to improve those that can or should be improved. Subsequent surveys can evaluate the effectiveness of the measures taken to make new decisions and thus have a continuous improvement cycle.
The first step in conducting a workplace climate survey is to create a survey process. To do this, go to the Selection Processes menu and click on New Process. Complete the required fields, leaving the record type with the default selected option: By invitation, no registration required. Then view advanced options and select “Survey” as the process type. Optionally (but recommended), mark the option for “Anonymous responses” so that people can respond honestly without being individually identified. Note that when the anonymous response option is selected, individual responses cannot be seen and only aggregated responses can be seen when at least 5 people have responded to the survey.
Once the process is saved, you will be directed to the process configuration view. There, you must choose the Work Climate Survey from the catalog (although you can also create your own surveys). Once the survey is selected, you can add the people you want to respond (usually the company employees). You can create them directly or you can select them from your candidate database if they were created previously. If you want to obtain information by unit/area, you must fill in the area and sub-area fields of each person (For example, “Sales” area “Corporate Sales” sub-area) If you do not have areas defined yet, you can create them from the configuration menu in the main menu. If you only require one hierarchical level, you can create a single area, for example “Company” and place divisions in sub-areas. The areas and sub-areas will allow obtaining reports with the results only from the people in that area/sub-area (only visible if there are at least 5 people who have responded for the group you want to see).
Once you have finished with the entry of all the people, use the Invite Candidates button so that each person who is going to respond to the survey receives an email with the link to respond.
To view the results, you must go to the reports menu, “Process Results Summary” option and choose the corresponding process for the survey. Click on the “Process Report” button to display the report. By default, the report shows the results based on all the responses, but it is possible to obtain reports by area and sub-area as well. To do this, in the report options menu choose “Filter” and choose the area or sub-area for which you want to see the results.
The work climate survey deducts one test from the test bag or plan for each person assigned to respond, in the same way as the other tests in the catalog.
Benefits of conducting a Workplace Climate survey.
It is essential to work towards improving the workplace climate and make it a goal to achieve in the near future, which will undoubtedly have great benefits for the company. Some of these advantages are:
- Building a strong team: Promotes a united team at the company or organization, as teamwork is key to achieving outstanding results. It is important that all members understand the importance of working together and that it is not perceived as a burden.
- Overall improvement: When a company learns to work as a team and understands the value of each of its collaborators’ contributions, this will be reflected in its relationship with customers.
- Comfortable environment: A good work environment always generates a sense of comfort in people who attend that place.
- Leadership: The directors of each area or managers are in constant contact with each of the employees, so if any of them are not promoting a good work environment in the company, this will be transmitted to the employees under their charge. Similarly, if there is a poor work environment in their area, this will negatively affect presenting results.
- Finding solutions: Conducting a workplace climate survey is an effective way to identify and solve internal problems within the company. Many times, it is believed that the causes of dissatisfaction come from external factors, but in many cases they come from within.
Importance of working environment.
Cultivating a healthy environment produces positive results that drive the success of the company. Employees who love their work and have a good relationship with their colleagues are more likely to do everything they can to help the company prosper. A positive culture in the workplace affirms the value, dignity, and worth of each employee, which benefits the individual and the company.
Therefore, it is essential to carry out this type of survey within organizations, recognize favorable aspects and improve to foster a good workplace climate. Evaluating is an important tool for achieving this type of evaluation.