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What is a profesiogram and how to create it?

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It is important to have clarity of ideas during the personnel selection process in order to find the ideal candidate that meets the company’s needs. In this sense, the profesiogram is a very useful tool, but it is necessary to know exactly what it is.

What is a profesiogram?

A profesiogram is a certificate that details the functions, skills, and abilities that an employee must have to perform a particular job. It is essential that this document be accurate and concise. In addition to being a tool commonly used in the human resources departments of companies, a profesiogram is relevant in legal cases where a permanent disability pension is requested. In such situations, applicants must request the profesiogram from their employer, and it must describe in detail all the functions that the employee performs in their work. If it is a small or medium-sized company, it is most common to request the certificate from the manager or supervisor. However, in large companies, it is ideal to speak with the head of the human resources department to have them create and provide the profesiogram.

The profesiogram, key in the selection process.

When opening a job vacancy, the human resources department receives candidates, and to select them properly, it is necessary to have a clear profesiogram. With this document, the team can begin to discard or accept the most suitable profiles according to the objectives previously established in the document. This helps to reduce the number of participants in the subsequent stages of the selection process. The subsequent interviews or dynamics are carried out with the candidates who best fit the criteria of the profesiogram. In addition, the profesiogram helps to identify the occupational hazards associated with a job position and allows the company to address them appropriately to avoid possible consequences.

Types of profesiograms.

Profesiograms are flexible documents that vary according to the interests of each company and do not have a fixed structure. However, at least two models can be used to find the right candidate: the factor-based profesiogram and the competency-based profesiogram.

Factor-based profesiogram.

The factor-based profesiogram details the characteristics that the company is looking for in candidates, including abilities in various aspects such as psychological, physical, and professional. In addition, the document should include the necessary education, knowledge, and motivational aspects for the position. The goal is to clearly define what is being sought to find the right candidate.

Competency-based profesiogram.

The competency-based profesiogram evaluates whether the candidate has the necessary skills for the job, not just their knowledge and competencies. It also evaluates whether the candidate can apply their skills in the specific context of the job, which will determine their ability to perform successfully.

Benefits of developing a job description.

Although small and medium-sized businesses do not usually have a job description, it should be mandatory in large organizations due to the significant benefits it offers. These include:

Optimizes the recruitment process.

The job description has the great advantage of improving the quality of job postings for human resources departments and candidates, and also makes the selection process more efficient and precise. This allows for a more effective use of time and money during the onboarding process, resulting in a higher return on investment in hiring.

Reduces turnover rate.

Finding the ideal candidate means that they not only have the necessary professional skills for the job, but also fit in with the existing culture and work environment, work well in a team, and have effective communication skills. If the job description is done correctly, their values and interests will align with those of the company, significantly reducing the likelihood of the new employee leaving.

Favors career plans.

If we have a clear understanding of the impact, implications, pain points, and common inconveniences associated with a position, we can find solutions to address the problems and encourage continuous improvement. The job description allows for a detailed and accurate evaluation of a position, which facilitates not only the development of career plans so that employees can grow within the company, but also the articulation of those plans with training plans. These concepts are closely related to the employee experience and employer branding.

How to create a job description?

The job description may seem like a complex tool for those who are not familiar with it, but it is actually simpler than it seems. Before starting to create it, it is important to consider four key concepts: the role nomenclature, the role content, and the role requirements. Once these concepts are understood, the job description can be created using the following steps:

  1. Synthesize information related to the profession, including its name according to established nomenclature, its social relevance, job requirements, required education, qualification level, and potential for development within the role.
  2. Describe the work process, including answering questions about what the job involves, its purpose, the resources used in the work process, and the results obtained. Also, describe the primary tasks, known as production characteristics.
  3. Summarize the general and specific skills and knowledge necessary to fulfill professional duties, along with the requirements for impeccability and reliability in operations performed. Also include the required health status and necessary physiological characteristics for the position, such as possible medical contraindications.

To create a profesiogram, a psychological description of the job must also be provided, including its positive and negative aspects, specific difficulties, occupational hazards, benefits, and opportunities for personal expression. It is also important to consider aspects such as the type of communication, its frequency, and the required honesty or mediation. The profesiogram may include additional information depending on the company or recruiter’s focus. These additional elements are important and related to aspects such as: employment category, working hours, job role description, individual or team work, type of schedule, work mode (in-person, remote, or hybrid), department or area, expected goals, physical and psychological conditions, skills, abilities, training, tools, responsibilities and obligations, occupational health risks, and sector, company characteristics, and type.

Create a profesiogram template in Word.

A profesiogram template can be created in Word, including personal information of the worker, soft skills, job competencies, job description, and occupational hazards. The template allows replicating the content and adapting it to different job positions within the company. Although it may be complicated at first, following the mentioned steps, the creation process will be simple.