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3 tips for setting SMART goals for your Recruiting Team

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One of the main steps to reaching our objectives is to set concrete goals that not only keep us motivated but also allow us to see the path towards the result we want to achieve and to know without a doubt when we have reached it so we can celebrate. Because it is important to celebrate when we achieve a goal; if not, let’s ask any athlete who has won a medal, a diploma, or a trophy. 

First of all, let’s define what SMART goals are. By their acronym, they are:

Specific: What you want to achieve.

Measurable: You must be able to measure progress.

Attainable: It has to be something you are capable of achieving.

Relevant: Why you want to achieve it should be relevant.

Time bound: Establish a timeline in which you commit to achieving it. 

In your recruitment team, it is also relevant to set SMART objectives to be aligned with clear goals and establish a focused work plan. But how do you set these objectives? Here are three tips to give you a clear path to get started.

  1. Discuss with your hiring team, executives, and human resources, to be clear about your current needs.

The first step to having a good team and, therefore, being able to achieve a goal is to have everyone involved aligned. By developing specific descriptions of the job or vacancy you want to fill, you can evaluate which potential candidates would be ideal based on their level of knowledge, experience, skills, and other essential criteria, which Evalart‘s tools can help you measure more efficiently. 

  1. Know the recruiting metrics and growth objectives, in order to set targets.

But first of all, what are the recruitment metrics that I should be aware of? Here we bring you the main ones you should take into account, although this may vary depending on each work team and its objectives:

  • Time it takes to fill a vacancy.
  • Best sources for candidate search.
  • Number of applicants for each position.
  • Total cost of hiring.
  • Number of vacancies to fill.

By having this data clear, they can have a more accurate picture of how to improve the processes. Which steps are working efficiently and which need to be improved. In this way they can set clear and achievable objectives.

  1. What is necessary to achieve the objectives? Establish the plan to be followed clearly.

Whether your goal is to lower the total cost of hiring by 10% in the next 3 months or improve the time it takes to fill a vacancy by 20% in the next 4 months, or any of the goals the team sets for itself, it is imperative to establish a clear action plan with steps and a timeline; which allows you to quantify whether progress is being made or if adjustments need to be made to reach the goal. 

Ultimately, the success or failure of your recruitment team in searching and hiring new talent will depend on several factors, such as the tools you use, the data you manage, and the plan you follow, among others. SMART objectives help you carry out this process efficiently and achieve better results, so get to know them and apply them, and you will see how the success rate increases.