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Common mistakes in talent selection

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In many recruitment processes, human choice is still limited to repetitive tasks with little technical participation. Hiring managers are still stuck with mountains of resumes that they cannot examine and find hundreds of candidates who lack the necessary skills for the positions they want.

However, as companies undergo a digital transformation and cultural change, we now have the tools and technology to find the best talent for our business. Below are some common mistakes that waste time and money in recruitment processes:

  • Incorrect description of the professional profile.

The recruitment process begins with two key elements: the need to fill a vacancy and the achievable job profile. For various reasons, some companies decide to ignore the definition of a specific professional profile for the desired position. As a result, when they first start the selection process, they are not clear about what function the professional will perform in the position. As a result, they have not clearly established what skills and abilities candidates should be evaluated on. To adequately describe the professional profile, at least the following are needed:

  • Giving a title to the job, as titles give an idea of what your employees should do.
  • Clarifying appropriate functions for the new professional staff. To determine these, it is important to consider the results that can be achieved.
  • Determining the necessary professional knowledge and experience.
  • Determining the type of personality and job skills required for the position.


  • Salaries not accurately determined.

Determining the appropriate salary for a professional cannot be done solely based on intuition or available budget. Often, the compensation offered by the company does not match the market or the required experience.

If your offer is low, the best candidates will not be interested in your invitation or offer. Instead, you will attract people who do not have the experience you need and who cannot provide the value you need.

When evaluating their market value, if professionals accept very low salaries, they may be aware of their low employability and the limitations of the functions they have been assigned. They may think that your company does not seek quality or does not care about providing it.

To determine the market value of a professional, it is necessary to consult trusted colleagues or acquaintances to find out what the market is paying for the position you need to fill. With this information, you can find a range of salaries that you can fine-tune based on objective criteria such as years of experience, education, training in skills, etc.

  • Inappropriate and inefficient calls.

A job offer may not receive the expected response or even the minimum valid response required to start the selection process.

It is possible that the message was not clear and therefore it is difficult to involve relevant professionals to start the selection process. This can make required candidates believe that the offer does not fit their profile or their career development goals.

On the other hand, despite having clear communication intentions, it is possible that the company has not found the appropriate way to reach the talent it is looking for. This may mean that the professional profile of the candidate is not well established, as if it were, their habits will be known and it will be possible to identify and reflect on the means in which they look for job opportunities.

It is also necessary to ensure that the call has reach and visibility. A company must determine the most effective way to reach the professionals it expects.

  • Inefficient time investment in reviewing resumes.

When receiving a large number of resumes, companies often mistakenly believe that their recruiters must manually evaluate them, which can take a lot of time.

In addition to the wasted time, this also affects recruiters who could be using their time on tasks more related to the business.

  • Insufficient time investment in conducting and evaluating interviews.

In addition, if the company’s policy is to conduct multiple interviews with each candidate and a lot of internal validation, wrong investments can be made. Fear of signing an inappropriate contract is normal, and the more professional the position, the greater this fear.

However, this translates into a loss of money, since company professionals need time to balance their work schedule and interview candidates who are not necessarily worth reaching this stage. On the other hand, this practice of wasting time can discourage job seekers and lead them to choose more flexible companies in the recruitment and selection process.

In this situation, the company needs to clarify what points need to be evaluated and recruit to follow up on the results from the beginning of the process. This will reduce the number of interviews.

  • Not considering internal human talent.

Internal promotion not only helps create a good work environment, but it is also cheaper, easier, and more beneficial because the employee is already part of the company’s culture and knows how it works.

  • Recruitment is based solely on interviews.

People have different skills and personalities, and sometimes a candidate may seem good in an interview but may not be in reality. Therefore, it is important to take into account other evaluations, such as practical and psychometric tests, to have a more complete view of the candidate.

Among these are psychometric tests, intelligence tests, ethics, honesty, and values, among others. Tests available in our Evalart catalog.

  • Establishing the same source for candidate search.

It is important to look for new ways to attract talent, such as job portals, social networks, agencies, or virtual or face-to-face events. But before doing so, it is necessary to understand what the position involves, what the requirements and necessary skills are. In addition, promoting the employer brand can be a good strategy to make the company more attractive in the proposed calls.

  • Making the selection process too long.

Some companies require candidates to pass 6 or more selection tests. This can mean that other companies have enough time to hire the profile you are looking for more effectively.

Finally, as can be seen, the personnel selection processes can be tedious and with many details to analyze. Mistakes can be made, which can be prevented and prepared for to face calls for human talent in the best way.