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Main personnel selection tests

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The recruitment and selection process is crucial for most companies worldwide, as it requires a lot of time and resources to find the right candidate for a specific position. However, with the advancement of technology, the processes are being streamlined thanks to the selection tests that help efficiently filter the candidates.

Selection tests are a valuable tool for Human Resources departments to improve their chances of hiring the best candidate. In addition to allowing them to objectively eliminate those who do not meet the requirements, they also help predict their suitability and adaptation in the company.

Recruiters and Human Resources specialists have used tests and questionnaires for years to select the best candidates. Nowadays, a job interview is not enough to determine if a candidate is the right fit; it’s necessary to filter the applicants beforehand to determine who is most suitable and has the necessary skills, attitudes, and professionalism to perform the position.

Concept of competence.

The personnel selection tests evaluate the capacities, abilities and knowledge of the candidates in relation to a specific position. These tests are based on the concept of competence, which includes both the personal dimension, attitudes and values, and academic and professional preparation, the ability to apply knowledge, and interpersonal communication and teamwork capabilities. The goal of these tests is to assess these four dimensions of competence, which are:

  • To be, which encompasses personal attitudes and values that influence behavior.
  • Technical knowledge, such as academic and professional training.
  • To do, which refers to the ability to apply knowledge.
  • To be in, which measures capacities related to communication and teamwork.

What are personnel selection tests?

Personnel selection tests are a systematic and standardized way of evaluating the qualities of job applicants. The company poses exercises or exams to measure aspects such as the personality, cognitive abilities, knowledge and behaviors of the candidates. This allows for obtaining objective and reliable information about the capacities, experience and knowledge of potential employees. These tests have evolved to become a valuable tool for employers, providing them with more information about the candidates before making a decision.

Types of personnel selection tests

The hiring evaluations are classified into four general categories in order to gather critical information to determine the suitability of the candidates for a specific job or company.

Technical selection tests.

Personnel selection tests are used to evaluate the capabilities of candidates for a specific job. These tests typically simulate real-life situations that may occur on the job and evaluate the degree of experience, education, and knowledge of the candidates. They are usually divided into two categories: knowledge tests to evaluate content related to the position, and ability tests to evaluate specific competencies required for the role.

Personality questionnaires.

The goal of these tests is to obtain information about an individual’s personal qualities through different evaluations, such as their aptitude for performing certain tasks and their ability to adapt to different work environments. In certain jobs, it is mandatory to pass personality tests, especially those related to mental health.

At Evalart, we have a complete personality inventory test suitable for implementing in selection processes.

Psychometric tests.

Psychometric tests evaluate a candidate’s intelligence and/or aptitudes through various exams. These are conducted over a certain period to determine their cognitive abilities. The required cognitive performance will depend on the position they are applying for and are usually evaluated in four categories:

general intelligence, Memory, Perception, Attention.

In case necessary, questionnaires are used to evaluate more specific aspects of intelligence according to the profile sought, such as verbal, numerical, spatial, concentration, abstraction, among others.

Situational tests.

Group dynamic tests are a way of evaluating a candidate’s skills and competencies for a job position. They are performed in situations similar to what the candidates might encounter at work to see their performance. Some of the most common tests include report writing to evaluate analysis and writing skills, presentations to evaluate expression and public speaking skills, activity planning and management to evaluate planning and problem-solving ability, and role-playing games to evaluate leadership and teamwork skills.

What are the aspects to analyze in selection tests?

There are different types of selection tests that evaluate different skills and knowledge. These tests can be classified into three main categories:

  1. Aptitude and skills: Clearly determines the technical knowledge and practical skills of the candidates, including their ability to complete specific tasks and their competence in using tools and software.
  2. Personality: These tests focus on soft skills and aim to uncover the unique qualities and personality traits of the applicants, to determine which one is best suited for the job. For example, one can verify if a person is patient, calm or empathetic.
  3. Integrity: Here, candidates are asked about potential conflicts or key problems that they might face in their daily work. The questions focus on areas such as honesty, integrity, problem-solving, etc.


Recommendations for preparing and carrying out personnel evaluations in selection.

Tips for success in personnel selection tests:

  • Provide clear instructions during the tests to avoid confusion or errors.
  • Resolve any doubts aloud so that all candidates have the same information.
  • Plan the necessary time so that candidates can take the tests.
  • Carefully select the tests that allow you to evaluate the aspects you need.