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Workplace motivation: What it is and how to implement it.

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Work motivation is essential for achieving the success of an organization, as it directly affects performance, productivity, satisfaction, commitment and retention of employees. It is important that it be part of the daily routine in the company and help create a pleasant and positive environment. Often, the role of Human Resources departments in developing employees is discussed, but less is said about how to motivate employees and recover those who have lost their enthusiasm.

In this article, effective actions for evaluating and increasing employee motivation to achieve the company’s global goals will be discussed.

What is work motivation?

Work motivation is a critical aspect in a company’s ability to engage its employees to achieve optimal performance and achieve established goals. This motivation is essential for improving productivity and teamwork in different tasks, as well as for employees to feel fulfilled and connected to the company’s corporate values.

It is the best way for employees to feel valued and give their best effort to the company. Human Resources departments and managers in these areas can contribute to this by creating a solid culture that allows employees to be themselves at work.

Improving job motivation is becoming a priority for companies, as they are realizing the importance it has on company results. It is necessary to pay attention to keeping employees motivated to achieve general and specific goals and create a positive work environment.

Motivation is the most effective method companies have to increase productivity. Employees are the most valuable asset of a company, it is through their dedication, effort and talent that they achieve the success of the company.

Types of Job Motivation

To implement actions that increase job motivation, it is important to take into account that there are two types of motivation: intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation.

  • Intrinsic motivation refers to motivation that comes from an individual’s internal characteristics, such as their personal short, medium and long-term goals, habits and desires.
  • On the other hand, extrinsic motivation refers to motivation driven by factors external to an individual, such as recognition received from an organization or an economic benefit.

This type of motivation can be positive or negative depending on the stimulus. Positive motivation refers to when one acts with the goal of obtaining a reward, prize or bonus. On the other hand, negative motivation refers to when one acts to avoid receiving punishment, such as an economic reduction or administrative penalty.

Importance of Job Motivation

Motivation in the workplace is one of the key factors in achieving an organization’s goals, as it has a direct relationship with performance, productivity and teamwork. For example, a motivated employee can be up to 12% more productive and 31% more efficient in their work compared to a demotivated employee. For this reason, more and more companies are taking concrete measures to promote job motivation, which contributes to increasing employee satisfaction, engagement and loyalty to the company.

Among the most important benefits of taking measures to increase job motivation are:

  • Increase in employee engagement. When the organization provides benefits to improve the quality of life and career development of employees, their engagement with the company increases.
  • Another benefit is a decrease in absenteeism levels as motivated employees enjoy their work and are committed to achieving their goals, which reduces the possibility of absenting for non-justified reasons.
  • Additionally, retaining committed employees is very important as the costs of hiring and training new personnel can be high for a company, while retaining experienced employees not only reduces these costs, but also facilitates processes and internal knowledge within the organization.
  • It contributes to creating an appropriate work environment, promoting participation, camaraderie, and a harmonious organizational culture that helps achieve overall goals.
  • Motivated employees often work harder, arrive on time and focus on their daily tasks, which can increase productivity and overall performance of the company.
  • It can also improve quality and customer service, as motivated employees set higher goals for creating higher-quality products and offering exceptional customer service, meeting and exceeding the expectations of their roles.

Implementation of workplace motivation.

Companies use different techniques to implement and encourage workplace motivation in their employees. Some of these techniques include:

  1. Workplace recognition: achievements should be recognized and rewarded, either financially or through rewards such as vacations or trips.
  2. Workplace promotion: the company should facilitate the possibility of advancement in position and salary for employees.
  3. Defining goals and functions: it is important that each employee knows their tasks, deadlines and personal, team and company goals in general. This way, motivation and teamwork are worked on.
  4. Properly organizing the staff: it is demotivating for a worker to be in a position where they cannot demonstrate their skills or where they feel underqualified. Therefore, the correct assignment of employees to positions according to their competencies is essential for having motivated teams.
  5. Training and development of human talent: the company should provide the necessary training to facilitate the employee’s workplace promotion. It’s a very effective technique for maintaining constant workplace motivation.

How to measure workplace motivation?

Although it is difficult to establish a single measure to evaluate the workplace motivation of such different people, some strategies that can be implemented to measure and evaluate it appropriately include:

  1. Pulse surveys: these short, frequent, and confidential surveys help the Human Resources team collect relevant information on what motivates employees and to act accordingly.
  2. 360-degree evaluation: this feedback tool helps collect collective feedback provided by colleagues, identifying the strengths and weaknesses of the employee in a global and constructive way. This can help rescue the employee who is struggling and needs changes.

In conclusion, it is necessary to understand that it is difficult to get rid of bad habits because many people are not willing to change, as it involves an effort to leave their comfort zone and enter a learning zone, however, it is essential for the organization to foster the motivation of each of its collaborators and get the best effort from them for the achievement of goals.