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What profiles should I hire to make a startup successful?

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In today’s market, attracting and  talent retention is a key priority for all organizations, and the success of new human resources policies depends largely on a solid company culture and an attractive employee value proposition, such as employer branding. Startups often face the challenge of hiring highly talented individuals due to a lack of financial resources, a problem that has been exacerbated in the post-COVID context, where many companies have had to adapt to uncertainty and constant change.

Internal team issues are the second leading cause of startup failure after lack of funding.

The success of a startup lies in its people.

The success of a tech startup is often attributed to the development of innovative software, but success largely depends on the team and the individuals driving the project forward day-to-day. The philosophy of a startup is based on surrounding oneself with the right people to achieve any goal.

In the development of an organization, there are multiple factors that influence success, but two fundamental pillars are people and leadership, as progress depends on them. For this reason, it is important to know the essential aspects to consider when hiring new profiles in a startup, both in the initial phase and in the growth and internationalization phase.

Tips for hiring people in a STARTUP

  • It is essential to look for people who share the company’s vision and mission and are committed to it. It is important to make team members feel part of the idea so that they can understand the importance of their role in the organization. It is not about hiring committed people to exploit them, but about finding motivated and committed profiles who share the company’s vision.
  • It is important to focus on talent and not just on people’s resumes. Skills and competencies are just as important as education when starting a business. Therefore, it is important not only to look at what appears on the CV, but also at what they have done and achieved in their career.
  • Having a heterogeneous team is essential in a startup, as very different profiles are needed to cover all areas. You should not seek to have a homogenous team, but it is important to have technical and business profiles that complement each other.
  • Look for professionals to form your team. Although friends and family can be of great help in creating a company, it is recommended to hire external professionals to your personal environment to form the startup’s work team.

Establish a clear and solid strategy before starting to hire. To avoid demotivation among new team members, it is essential to have objectives and a direction defined for where the company wants to go.

The composition of a startup team should be heterogeneous, with different profiles working collaboratively to provide balance. It’s important to know the six basic worker profiles to form an optimal team.

  1. The dreamer is a fundamental piece in any startup, as they can be a source of motivation to create the company from scratch. This profile provides a perspective beyond the tangible and can inspire, excite, and guide the company towards new horizons.
  2. The manager or director is the one who turns the dream into a reality. This profile should be pragmatic, reliable, and have the initiative to turn ideas into concrete actions. They are responsible for defining roles, setting goals, and ensuring that each team member is fulfilling their work.
  3. The builder is someone who combines architectural thinking with business skills. They have a clear understanding of the company’s vision and know how to carry it out. This type of person is intuitive, intelligent, and creative in their approach.
  4. The worker is the one who takes care of doing whatever is necessary to make the company work. This profile works behind the scenes and helps other team members.
  5. The miser is the one who questions every acquisition and considers all possible alternatives before committing to spending. This profile is important for bootstrapping or self-financing the company.
  6. The cheerleader is the one who has the ability to create connections between team members and can lift spirits when needed. This profile can laugh at themselves and others and put a positive spin on things at the right time. Good morale and a fun atmosphere can be key to having a happy team.

Although startups often use limited investment in their early stages, it is essential to have the advice of human resources experts to form a successful team that provides a real opportunity for the entrepreneur’s idea. These professionals will help identify the best way to attract talent, meet the needs of qualified personnel through their network of contacts, and select profiles that, as candidates in potentially changing environments, adapt to a new way of understanding and enhancing skills. To achieve team building from a business perspective, it is important to have professionals who not only assist in building the entrepreneur’s dream team but also in emotional and communication management of the new team.

By following all these considerations when recruiting, it is guaranteed that the hired profiles will succeed in their work, regardless of the department they work in, as they will have the motivation to adapt, learn, and improve their environment and role in the company.