Category Archives: Pruebas de Selección de Personal

Allport test


The Allport Values Test is a psychometric-type test developed by Gordon Allport, Philip Vernon, and Gardner Lindsay; it is considered one of the first psychological instruments to measure a person's... Read more

The 4 Essential Intelligence and Aptitude Tests


Intelligence is a subject that has fascinated experts for many years. How to measure it, to know who is intelligent and who is not, has aroused the interest of psychologists who have created... Read more

Are skills and competencies the same thing?


The short answer is... No, they are not the same, although the difference is subtle and this is what tends to confuse the two concepts. Knowing these definitions and their implications is key in any... Read more

The 9 key psychometric tests for your recruitment process


The selection process of a new member of a company is very important because not only are many resources invested before and during the selection of this new talent, but once the person is chosen,... Read more

Tips for evaluating a CV


Attracting, contacting, and hiring the right personnel for vacancies in organizations requires a series of criteria and common sense to fulfill its mission. In the first place, there is the... Read more

Tips for hiring a successful community manager


The community manager is a professional with a specific profile and characteristics. This professional must have the knowledge and skills to create attractive and viral visual content on social... Read more

Wartegg Drawing Completion Test


The Wartegg test is a psychometric personality test. It is frequently used in the selection of personnel. This test uses drawings organized in 8 quadrants. Frequently, the test is used to contrast... Read more

Human Figure Test


The human figure test for personnel selection is also called the Machover test. As its name indicates, the test is based on the drawing of a human figure. This test aims to identify significant... Read more

The Enneagram Test


The Enneagram test is a widely used personality test. It is a test of a 144-pair forced-response approach, and the one that most closely matches the subject's preference must be selected. The... Read more

The Raven’s Test


The Raven's Test, also known as the Raven Progressive Matrices Test, is a widely used tool for measuring analogical reasoning, perception, and abstraction ability. It consists of 60... Read more